Concierge Services

Let us help you plan your time in Buenos Aires
so you can enjoy it to the fullest, hassle-free.

Here is a list of our current concierge offerings:

Bookings & Reservations for:


Theatre tickets

Museum tours (many are free, but some, such as Teatro Colón, require advance booking)

We can help with all of your bookings within the city,
allowing you to focus simply on enjoying your stay here.

Free with the purchase of the Full Day or 2 Day Tour!

Otherwise, we charge an hourly rate of $25 for all other concierge services within city limits.

Buenos Aires 101

Getting an orientation of the city, and of the country in general, is particularly useful for those planning a longer stay here.

That said, having a better understanding of ‘how things work here’ can benefit any traveller.

Let us help you get familiar & comfortable with

  • public & private transportation

  • currency exchange

  • shopping districts (each neighbourhood has its specialty)

  • discovering hidden gems ‘off the beaten track’

  • finding your niche in a city overflowing with culture, art, cuisine, sports, music, & nightlife (including tango!)

This orientation can come in the form of a private tour or even just a chat over coffee (or Zoom). Message us with your requests so we can find the best package for you.